Hair loss is among the most common concerns of people around the world. From lifestyle choices to medical conditions to certain medications, many factors can lead to hair loss.
Among the underlying health conditions that can cause significant hair fall, thyroid disorder is one of them. The OnlyMyHealth team interacted with Dr Satyam Chakraborty, Consultant Endocrinologist, Fortis Hospital, Anandapur, to understand the link between the two conditions and explored ways to manage thyroid problems to effectively reduce hair loss.
Thyroid Hormones And Hair Growth
According to Dr Chakraborty, thyroid hormones play a crucial role in regulating hair growth. “Both hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, and hyperthyroidism, or overactive thyroid, can disrupt this process, leading to hair thinning and shedding,” he said, adding that in hypothyroidism, hair follicles become less active, while in hyperthyroidism, the hair growth cycle accelerates, causing hair to become brittle and fall out more easily.
How Thyroid Disorder Affects Your Hair
A study published in the journal Cureusreported hair loss as a common consequence in about 50% of people with hyperthyroidism and 33% with hypothyroidism.
Researchers shared that while an underactive thyroid can slow skin and hair growth, sometimes making hair stay in a resting phase for longer than normal, an overactive thyroid can cause the body to produce damaging molecules called Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), which can harm cells, including hair follicles.
“The most common is diffuse thinning, where hair density decreases evenly across the scalp. Telogen effluvium, a condition where a large number of hairs enter the resting phase and shed simultaneously, is also frequent. In some cases, individuals with autoimmune thyroid diseases may also experience alopecia areata, characterised by patchy hair loss in specific areas,” Dr Chakraborty shared.
Is Your Hair Loss Thyroid-Related Or Something Else?
It is important to differentiate between thyroid-related and non-thyroid-related hair loss to find proper and effective solutions. As per Dr Chakraborty, differentiating hair loss due to thyroid issues requires a thorough medical evaluation. A doctor will consider factors like:
Pattern and severity: Diffuse thinning is common in thyroid disorders.
Other symptoms like fatigue, weight gain/loss, and changes in mood or body temperature.
Thyroid function tests (TSH, T3, T4) are crucial for diagnosis.
Family history of thyroid disease and autoimmune conditions.
How To Treat Thyroid Disorders To Manage Hair Health
To manage hair loss caused by thyroid disorders, it is crucial to treat underlying thyroid conditions. Treatment options may vary depending on the type of thyroid disorder you have:
Hypothyroidism: Treatment with levothyroxine hormone replacement therapy restores normal thyroid function and can improve hair growth.
Hyperthyroidism:Treatment options include medications to slow thyroid hormone production or, in some cases, surgery or radioactive iodine therapy.
Hair loss caused by thyroid disorders should be identified on time so as to receive timely and proper treatment. According to Dr Chakraborty, the rate of improvement and hair growth depends on the severity of the thyroid condition, the patient’s response to treatment, and the specific type of hair loss experienced. In addition, follow a healthy lifestyle and stay connected with your doctor, who can guide you through your thyroid journey.

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